To serve you better, we've assembled a list of our customers' most frequently asked questions. If you don't find your answer here, feel free to contact us.

The 200 acres that received a HVSSD proposed eminent domain notice would remain as farmland.

Effluent water is already used on the 375 acres currently farmed by HVSSD.  This water is treated, tested, and safe for farming techniques used by HVSSD which meets State and EPA standards.  The proposed land is adjacent to the existing facility and is needed to increase disposal capacity.

The proposed farmland considered under eminent domain will increase HVSSD's disposal capacity by growing more crops with treated effluent water and proficing wihter storage.

No, HVSSD is not proposing to expand any existing lagoons.  The HVSSD sewer plant is also actually in Wasatch County, but it does border Midway.

The EPA approved the current location in 1978 when it was built.  Since then Midway grew much closer.

No, even though wastewater lagoons have been used for thousands of years, they are operationally the most economical andlowest carbon footprint technology for wastewater treatment.

High population cities usually don't have available land to build lagoons needed fro their density.

63% of municipal wastewater systems in Utah use lagoons/wastewater ponds.

The Timpanogas Special Service District (TCSSD) in Utah County has used a mechanical plant since it started back in 1977.

Let's consider all of the costs for moving the current plant:

  • Cost of engineering, EPA and other environmental studies
  • Cost of design work of a new mechanical plant
  • Cost of getting the State of Utah and EPA approvals and permits
  • Cost of buying new land for the plant and wihter storage ponds
  • Cost of building a new mechanical plant with the same capacity
  • Cost of additional staff and O&M to run a larger plant
  • Cost of new collection system piping
  • Cost of pumping sewage from Midway
  • Cost of impact fees and sewer rates

Even with a new plant, HVSSD will still need to dispose of it's treated wastewater effluent.  HVSSD still needs to increase it's disposal capacity by acquiring more farmland-whether by keeping the existing plant or building a new plant.

The numbers posted by others on Faceboon of $38 mo;;opm pf $60 million do not come close to all of the costs.  An official study would need to be completed, at additional expense.

It costs less money to HVSSD ratepayers to use all of the current plant's treatement capacity and acquire additional farmland for disposal capacity.

This study was a master theses done by a BYU studing in 2014.  This theseis was not reviewed or accepted by the State of Utah Division of Water Quality or EPA.

HVSSD lagoons were designed to and are in compliance with state and federal regulations.

No, the $38 million was a preliminary estimate from a draft report discussed in an HVSSD meeting.

That draft report included other costs for projected operations and maintenance, projected farm maintenance needs, different lab proposals, as welll as projected land costs for disposal capacity needs.

The $38 million figure was not approved by HVSSD at that board meeting, and still hasn't been approved.

HVSSD did build a mechanical plant in 2012 to expand it's treatment capacity.  Yes at the time HVSSD did not expand it's disposal capacity.  Now it needs to.

With growth in the valley, HVSSD needs to increase it's disposal capacity by buying more farmland and building more winter storage.

This increased farmland for effluent disposal should match the existing HVSSD treatment capacity from the existing mechanical plant and wastewater lagoons.

No.  As long as huans emit odors in the bathroom then both mechanical plants and lagoons will emit odors.

Whether HVSSD uses lagoons or a mechanical plant there are odors in wastewater treatment.

HVSSD is committed to keeping any odors to a minimum.  In spring of 2020 we experienced a very rare upset due to some much needed repairs.  With these repairs completed the odors have been minimized, and further corrective actions are in place.

No.  Up until August 2020 JSSD was sending their sewage to HVSSD for treatment.

The JSSD mechanical plant is designed for a 1 MGD (million gallons per day) capacity; whereas HVSSD is designed for four times that.

Consider the costs of pumping that much HVSSD sewage to JSSD, as well as the additional costs for JSSD to expand and treat it.

JSSD connection fees, sewere rates and impact fees would dramaticall increase higher than current HVSSD rates because JSSD would need to take on all of the costs.

Lagoons must be a certain size/design standard as per state regulations.  HVSSD met those requirements when they were originally built.

Any new lagoons could be shaped somewhat differently, but HVSSD is not proposing to build any new lagoons.

At this point HVSSD needs more farmland to increase disposal capacity and match the existing treatment capacity.